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Spaces of Synchronicity

A Painting Show


Tori Beeche, Ekaterina Dimieva, Janet Mazenier



“A true Drawing is not a copy of something. It is a constructive deconstruction of something and much more real than the initial thing.”


This quote from the French philosopher Alain Badiou emphasizes the endless scope of artistic making, un-making, and re-making  - a common thread in the painting practices of Tori Beeche, Ekaterina Dimieva and Janet Mazenier. These artists look at our complex present through the prism of nostalgia, yearning, and the ultimate pursuit of trying to connect to the 'now' and make sense of it. Tori's paintings reference the recent past, reflecting on societal and cultural constructs via the concept of restorative nostalgia. Ekaterina's paintings could be viewed as metaphysical puzzles. They question the real and the imaginary, asking questions such as "How can abstract painting visualise emotional forces and intensities?”. Janet's paintings construct worlds within worlds. Her meticulous depictions of micro-ecosystems connect human identity to our respect and understanding of Nature.


Photo credit Artsdiary. For full coverage click here:

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