Rituals, Lot 23, March 2023
“I find myself standing in the midst of an eternity, a vast and inexhaustible present. The whole world rests within itself – the trees at the field’s edge, the hum of crickets in the grass, cirrocumulus clouds rippling like waves across the sky, from horizon to horizon.”
David Abram
Rituals are defined generally as any prescribed system of proceedings – religious or not. Our rituals create a type of reality that could maybe give our lives a certain sense of order. With this series of paintings, I thought about ritual as a set of actions such as building an altar or collecting gems and treasures, which are partially occluded and inaccessible but glistening and beckoning from afar. In a way, the act of yearning and dreaming is itself ritualistic, and it is through the ritual that we can access an expansive present moment, where the past and the future dissolve entirely.